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* 新書出版《金門合院圖鑑:面的構成》,2023年5月。敬請您的支持購買!
新書發表會-2023年6月-10月-->金門村復號;台北田園城市風格書局、基隆見書店、中壢大河壩小書屋;台中繼光工務所、鹿港瘦子咖啡x鹿港大街、嘉義洪雅書房、台南小轉角Art de Corner;高雄大東文化藝術中心、屏東勝利星村繫本屋、台北撫臺街洋樓(延平南路26號)。

-台灣高鐵機上誌 TLife-金門大橋通車囉,看前線風景大改寫,老聚落生活新風格


Leechen Studio was founded in 2010 on Kinmen Island, Taiwan, with the office located in a traditional Minnan village. The principals, Hsiu-Hsiu Lee and Erik Chen, had extensive experience in landscape design in the mainland of Taiwan before relocating to Kinmen. Inspired by traditional Minnan architecture, Lee and Chen designed and built their own home, “Leeyuan,” a modern adaptation of a Minnan courtyard house. Besides designing and teaching, much of which they do in accordance with the unique quality and heritage of the island, the pair also actively takes part in community building and arts and culture design projects, while also researching and publishing about local architecture. The studio hopes to promote the value of reuse in architecture through hands-on practice and realized projects. It has also participated in many redesign projects for public landscaping.